An uniqueOFFER for exceptional customers

Highest quality
in the best Prices.

Business Class is an offer created especially for the most demanding individual and corporate clients. We offer you the best prices and unrivaled service, the satisfaction of our customers is our main goal.

We offer the most frequently selected routes, however if you plan to travel to a different place, please contact us and we will certainly be able to present you the best offer on the market.


Pay by cards.Flexible terms.Door-to-door.+ 48 691 919 919


Our standard is "DOOR to DOOR" system, in order to maximize the comfort of travel. Our D2D system maximally simplifies your journeys carried out by our business and premium fleet.

Non-cash settlement system.

We accept payment cards. Taking into account the needs of companies as well as individuals - we have created a non-cash payment system in the form of an Electronic Customer Card. We also entrust to you the possibilities of transporting employees, contractors or guests - remotely, by donating a voucher for travel. The summary of trips is aggregated, and the monthly list of courses is supported by an invoice.

Flexible terms.

By building ties with our client, we are evolving by adapting transport processes with technology. This results in unlimited possibilities for you to order and secure all journeys including emergency ones. Our flexibility does not impose barriers, thus we are open to the suggestions of our partners.


The prices of standard routes are available in the PRICE LIST page. For other routes, prices are set individually.

tel: +48 691 919 919

We accept orders24 hours a day 7 days a week.


TDC Sp. z o.o.
Adres: ul. Gryfińska 129, 70-806 Szczecin
NIP: 955-215-25-34
KRS: 0001140206
Konto: 57 1050 1559 1000 0090 3237 8490
Tel: +48 691 919 919

TDC Sp. z o.o. wpisana jest do Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy Szczecin-Centrum w Szczecinie, XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego.
Kapitał Zakładowy: 100 000,00 ZŁ